Is this Kari Lake’s least serious proposal yet?
A conservative estimate on Lake’s idea to slash the budget by 50-75% would defund nearly the entire federal government and terminate almost 3 million jobs.
A conservative estimate on Lake’s idea to slash the budget by 50-75% would defund nearly the entire federal government and terminate almost 3 million jobs.
The latest revelation details in excruciating detail the pressure the Trump campaign put on Arizona lawmakers to overturn Biden’s 2020 win.
Contraception, doctor’s visits, and breast and cervical cancer screenings are a few of the many healthcare services made affordable and accessible by Affirm and federal family planning grants.
Activists came with a check for $1 billion and $1 to highlight how much Trump demanded from the oil industry in exchange for further gutting environmental regulations if reelected.
Legislative candidates discussed the possibilities a pro-public education state budget could bring if voters opt for Democratic control of the state legislature.
Firefighters cited Gallego’s work to provide more resources to first responders, additional health protections for firefighters with cancer, and efforts to establish a home loan program for rescue workers.
Ryan Visconti has said victims of abuse should remain married to their abuser and called same-sex marriage and abortion care an “abomination.”
Jim McCain, an intelligence officer for the US Marines, cited the Trump campaign’s bullying tactics at a hallowed military cemetery as the final straw that broke any lingering loyalty to the Republican Party.
A US Senate led by authoritarian sympathizers like Lake, who is running for Arizona's open senate seat, could help Donald Trump fulfill his campaign promise to act as a dictator.
A new political ad airing in southern Arizona links Ciscomani to the Patriot Academy, an organization that seeks to force “Biblical principles” on all US residents.