Unlikely allies plan to work together to tackle Arizona’s housing crisis
A bipartisan group of state legislators hope to cut through political gridlock and restore the state’s reputation as an affordable place to live.
A bipartisan group of state legislators hope to cut through political gridlock and restore the state’s reputation as an affordable place to live.
This new rule will erase an estimated $49 billion in unpaid medical bills from the credit reports of roughly 15 million Americans, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The agency estimates that the new federal rule could help boost consumer credit scores by an average of 20 points.
Now, live event businesses and hotels must clearly list their prices in both their advertising and pricing information.
The lawsuit alleges that massive farming corporations have taken advantage of Arizona’s lax groundwater laws and have deprived local farmers of access to water.
News outlets run by colleges and high schools provide valuable job training, but could be forced to close next year.
Mayes’ office has focused heavily on consumer protection lawsuits against landlords, supermarket megacorporations, nursing home facilities, and telecom scammers.
Gallego is the third Democrat the state has sent to the Senate since 2018.
Immigrants' rights groups say the language of Proposition 314 misled voters to think it would more directly address the fentanyl crisis.
Butler hopes voters in Phoenix and North Scottsdale will send her back to the legislature so she can continue her fight for better health care and public education.
Harris has vowed to strengthen workers’ rights, expand financial support for the working class, boost opportunities for non-college graduates, and raise the minimum wage. Trump, meanwhile, has promised to implement tariffs on imports and repeal federal investments in clean energy, both of which would likely lead to job losses.