Want to watch collegiate women’s basketball in Arizona in person? Here’s how
Arizona has four Division 1 collegiate women's basketball teams. You can watch a full season of each for less than the price of a lower-bowl Phoenix Suns ticket.
Arizona has four Division 1 collegiate women's basketball teams. You can watch a full season of each for less than the price of a lower-bowl Phoenix Suns ticket.
A Mars crater has been named after Nadine Barlow, honoring the late NAU professor's pioneering contributions to planetary science.
Getting your wisdom teeth out is riskier than getting an abortion. So why do lawmakers insist on wasting time and money to regulate women’s healthcare? I was 24 years old, living in Queens, NY, busy with my last year of law school. I couldn’t feel the uninvited...
Failure to address gun violence and support for Arizona’s total abortion ban has put Rogers in Gen Z’s crosshairs.